Two weeks ago, I went to the Fort Greene farmer’s market and got SO mad.
So mad that I didn’t dare go back there this past weekend, lest the sight of a hard squash incites me to do murder right there in public.
Acorns are pinging me on the head and the gingko nuts have started to hit the ground and split. But you know what, I’m sitting on my deck because it is 78°F, plotting a trip to the beach tomorrow, and I just gathered up my favorite tomato recipes and unlocked them for all to enjoy.
I will never ever give up on summer not EVER. If we all come together now and hang on to the tomato days, maybe we can force the earth to rotate backwards like in Superman, but better because of collective energy.
Thank you to Cody, Jo, Lisa, Alia, William, James, and Brianna for bringing nightshade-forward energy to the Food Processing chat and inspiring this post. This weekend is dedicated to you all, and to “making the most of September,” a motto I love to repeat and yet fail to live by.
Here are the UNLOCKED/PUBLIC recipes with links to their original posts.
Let’s not forget Alone-Nachos, made with leftovers from the corn salad, above.
Comment below if you know what astrological sign we move into tomorrow. I don’t, because the only thing I care about is being a Leo.
May tomatoes always grow wild in the hothouses of our minds. Signed, a fellow Leo
Thank you for unlocking the tomato recipes. As a hot handed person, pie dough is my nemesis, but I just watched the tomato miso tart video the other day and I want to be brave and give your pastry dough a try.