New here? Hi! If you want to get right down to business, scroll down for the video link and allllllll the way to the bottom for info on Thursday’s LIVE Q&A!
Today’s offering is a technique rather than a recipe. You know what they say: Teach a person a recipe, and they can make that thing just fine, but teach them a technique and they can SPIN IT forever! (No one says that, and I’m sorry I did.)
What I actually and frequently say is that I want you to buy your ingredients before you choose a recipe, and the technique section of Where Cooking Begins exists so that I could hammer that point home. Each technique I cover was photographed as universal step-by-step guides, and on the following pages, the grids are there to show that the same technique can be replicated with lots of other ingredients.

I LOVE those grids. So much, in fact, that I wanted to bring them into motion for video, and today’s episode is our proof of concept. (Big thanks to my producer, Omega Rizzuto, and D.P. Timothy Racca for bringing the vision to life).
Look how cool! We shot the entire process from start to finish with a Honeynut Squash, and then re-did every step with four Spin It ingredients (above) so you could see how each moment in the process follows the master technique. I hope that the higher vantage point and over-head macro shots will give you a great visual guide to what your ingredient should look at each stage of the process.
The ingredients in the Dozen to Pan-Roast grid (four of which—cabbage, scallops, pork chops, and onion halves—we demo in the video) only scratch the surface of the endless produce and protein possibilities:
Beets and greens
Duck breast
Pork rib cops
Savoy cabbage
Bone-in beef rib eye
Halved onions
Spatchcock chicken
Salmon steak
Large sea scallops
Butternut squash
What are some others you would add to this list? Anything you saw at the market this weekend that you weren’t sure how to cook? Think about it and get back to me tomorrow, Thursday 10/26, during my one-hour live technique Q&A in the paid subscriber thread, from 1:30 P.M. to 2:30 P.M. EST. (New: changed from 1pm originally!) I’ll be chatting any and all things pan-roast. If you miss the live Q&A, you can always catch up later by scrolling through the thread to see what we covered.
See you there!