New here? Hi! If you want to get right down to business, scroll down for the video link and allllllll the way to the bottom for the recipe.
Today’s recipe is an MVP from Where Cooking Begins and many of you might have already cooked her. I won’t go on and on about how placing the chicken directly on the rack exposes all the under-bits to the hot oven air, and how that banishes the soggy bottom and amplifies rendering and browning. But it does work, and no, you won’t be left with a giant mess to clean up.
A pan of [insert favorite roasting vegetables here] will catch all the drippings and pick up the spice rub from the chicken. It is a schmaltzy treasure trove down there, and this is also one of those times when overcooking isn’t a bad word. The chicken goes past the court-sanctioned target of 165°F and enters the 200s. At that point, the chicken skin will be as thin and crispy as burned caramel and the drumsticks will pull right off the body. Knives optional.
For more info on all the equipment and any special ingredients I used in the video, check out the Shop That post. This is a new rubric that we’re rolling out with all new recipes and I’d love your feedback on the shopping guides. Helpful? Snoozeville? LMK!
I expect to see a lot of birds on Chicken Sunday. Tag me when you make her!