I loved having time to expand on my article about leaving YouTube with
, who brought great questions to our talk. If you missed my live yesterday in the moment, here’s the video of the full conversation.Austin and I spitballed about a bunch of cool ways that I could use video—both live and pre-recorded—to cook with my Substack subscribers, how it could lend itself to shorter videos dedicated to tools and techniques that might not translate to a long form video.
If you want to engage more with me about the creator economy, that conversation is ongoing in my chat.
As far as my core recipe content and regular posting goes, let me know how you feel about this format and how you might like to see me use it in the future. I’d love to hear from you in the comments. If you have feedback about my bleached eyebrows, you can use the comment section for that as well (be nice!).
Thank you
, , , , , and many others for tuning in. It was my first Substack Live and what a treat to see the audience numbers ticking up during our talk!
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